Sunday, 19 September 2010

Rook Wakeman

For the first time in ages, I did a painting on a wall. Actually, it's the first time in ages I've done a painting, let alone on a wall.
I used a combination of emulsion, acrylic, spray paint and poster paint (!)

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Excuse me, I'm tweeting

Strange birds keep landing on the notepad I use to jot down stuff from phonecalls.

(Obviously that sounds far more mysterious than the reality, which is that I'm simply drawing them whilst on the phone.)

Tuesday, 14 September 2010


a few more from the Ful-Vue. All of these photos are taken in France, either in or around Touget or in Biarritz.

Elle definitely took the sunflower photo, the others could be either one of us. Apart from the ones of her. It's fairly likely I took those!

Ensign Ful-Vue

Just got the first film back from the Ensign Ful-Vue 120 camera Elle found. If only there was some iPhone app that made photos look like this....

Thursday, 9 September 2010